Our club
Busy with all aspects of living together.
Association purpose:
The promotion of young and old, in particular the contact of the generations in the sense of passing on knowledge, skills and experiences, as well as the meaning in the course of life.
Renaturation, reforestation and the preservation of valuable habitats for people, plants and animal species. The interests associated with landscape development, such as those of the municipalities, agriculture and forestry or tourism, are taken into account in order to come to mutually acceptable solutions.
To protect, maintain and develop nature and landscape in populated and unpopulated areas in such a way that the efficiency of the natural balance, the usability of natural assets, plants and animals as well as the diversity, uniqueness and beauty of nature and landscape as the basis of human life are sustainable are secured.
The Vale Frango today:
Half of the valley floor of about one hectare consists of the meadow above the house, the reservoir below the house and below the dam the narrowing terrain, which becomes steeper between the property line and the driveway and almost only the now dry in summer Bach contains.
The hills above the valley are very arid and have become bordering on desert due to decades of mismanagement. Rockrose grows almost exclusively there. Although this covers the ground, it hardly allows any other plants and is particularly flammable due to the high resin content. By repeatedly ripping up the soil to remove the vegetation using disc harrows as a fire protection measure, any other vegetation has been suppressed and nothing else grows on the washed-out and dried-out soil. The few remaining cork oaks are dying.
It is partly a steep south-facing slope. Rainwater runs unchecked into the valley here, nutrients have already largely been washed out and the summer sun burns every vegetation except for the cistus.
location and surroundings
Surrounded by nature and beauty
The Vale Frango is surrounded by natural hills, an unbelievable peace and loving people. Reliquias, a small village in Alentejo, shelters and protects the Vale Frango with its contentment and cosiness. at the foot The rustic village center with its shops and cafes can be found on the property. Everyone is welcome to Marco's amazing pizza...
Due to the low rainfall in recent years, the lake is almost dry today. The image above is from June 2018. Today it only contains some water in spring. The lake was not laid out professionally and the water vein underneath was cut during dredging. The water collected by rainfall runs off into the water vein within a short time and disappears in the valley at the lower end of the property in the eucalyptus plantation, which absorbs any water.
The well above the lake still has water, but the level drops from year to year in line with the falling groundwater level.
The amount of water in the watercourse below the dam wall is also reduced.